DIY Website vs Professional: Why Professional Websites Offer More for Local Businesses

DIY Website vs Professional: Why Professional Websites Offer More for Local Businesses

DIY Website vs Professional: Why Professional Websites Offer More for Local Businesses


As a local business owner, your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business, your brand, so it’s crucial to make a strong lasting one. In today’s digital age, a compelling online presence is essential for attracting new business and establishing credibility within your local community.

While do-it-yourself (DIY) website builders may seem like an easy and low-cost option for creating that presence, they often lack the quality, functionality, and customisation capabilities required for businesses looking to truly stand out and thrive in a competitive market, their local community.

Professional websites offer far more than just a pretty design – they provide a range of benefits that can drive growth and long-term success. That’s why, while DIY builders and free hosting plans may appear cost-effective initially, they can ultimately do more harm than good for your local business.

In this post entitled “DIY Website vs Professional”, we’ll explore the compelling reasons why investing in a professionally designed and hosted website is a vital investment for any business seeking lasting online success.


Why Your Local Business Needs a Professional Website (Not a DIY Builder)

The Importance of Professional Design and Branding 

A professional website is an essential tool for any business, especially for local businesses looking to attract and retain customers. A website is often the first point of contact between a business and its potential customers. Therefore, it is essential to make a good first impression. A professional website can help to establish credibility and trust with potential customers.

Your website is an extension of your brand, and its design should reflect the quality and professionalism of your business. Although DIY website builders have come on alot of recent years, they often have limited design options and templates that can make your site look generic or outdated. A professional web designer, on the other hand, can create a custom layout that aligns with your brand identity, color scheme, and overall aesthetic, it is more tailored to your business.

Professionalism in web design involves more than just aesthetics. It includes factors such as user experience, functionality, and accessibility. A professional website should be easy to navigate, so visitors can find the information they need easily and  have clear calls to action.

These elements contribute to a positive user experience and can influence whether a potential customer decides to do business with a company. This not only improves engagement but can also impact your search engine rankings, as search engines favour websites that provide a seamless user experience.


In addition to attracting and retaining customers, a professional website can also help to differentiate a business from its competitors. With so many businesses vying for attention online, having a professional website can help a company stand out in a crowded marketplace. A website that is well-designed and easy to use can also help to establish a company as an authority in its industry.

Let’s continue on with DIY Website vs Professional….

DIY Website vs Professional: A well-designed website is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for any business that wants to stay competitive

Brand Consistency and Credibility Issues

A custom-designed website ensures brand consistency across all pages and elements. This includes the use of consistent colours, fonts, and imagery that align with the brand’s identity and messaging. With DIY Builders, businesses usually are limited in their ability to fully customise the design and may end up with a website that looks generic and fails to represent their brand effectively.

But…. it’s not just about branding across your pages and elements. Many free hosting providers require you to use their subdomain (e.g., or display their banner/logo on your website. This can diminish your brand’s credibility and professionalism, potentially deterring potential customers from engaging with your business. Honestly I see a business using free hosting…. this screams cheap to me.

Moreover, free hosting on platforms like Wix often use their own site favicon (the small icon that appears in browser tabs) instead of allowing you to customise it with your own branding. This lack of control over branding elements can create a disjointed and unprofessional user experience, making your business appear less established or trustworthy.

These are things you often don’t think about, but could actually have quite a big impact on your business.


Scalability and Flexibility

A custom-designed website allows for scalability and flexibility as the business grows and evolves. This includes the ability to add new features, pages, and functionality as needed. With free builders and template-based solutions, businesses may be limited in their ability to make significant changes to the design and functionality of the website.

In conclusion, while template-based solutions may be a quick and affordable option for building a website, businesses should consider the benefits of a professionally developed website, which can be easily modified and expanded to accommodate new requirements, ensuring that your online presence remains relevant and effective.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

One of the biggest advantages of a professional website is the ability to customise and optimise for search engines. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for ensuring that your website ranks highly in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.  

DIY website builders often have limited options for search engine optimisation (SEO), which can make it difficult for businesses to rank in search results. Professional websites, on the other hand, are built with SEO in mind and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the business.  Professional web developers understand the intricacies of SEO and can optimise your website’s structure, content, and metadata to improve its visibility on search engines like Google.

DIY builders, while offering basic SEO tools, may lack the advanced features and customisation options required for effective optimisation. This can result in your website being overshadowed by competitors who have invested in professional SEO services. 

DIY Website vs Professional: If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.

Technical Expertise and Advanced Features

Local businesses often turn to DIY website builders and free hosting solutions  to save money and maintain control over their online presence. However, these platforms have limitations that can hinder a business’s growth and success, at the end of the day, you don’t actually have control. Professional websites offer technical expertise and advanced features that can help businesses stand out in a competitive online market, and the website is yours!

SEO and Analytics

We mentioned SEO earlier, but to reiterate, as it is so important SEO is done right, search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical for businesses to rank high in search results and attract potential customers. Professional websites offer advanced SEO tools and analytics that can help businesses optimise their online content and track their website’s performance. These tools provide valuable insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions to improve their online presence.

Security and Performance

Security and performance are crucial for any website, but especially for businesses that handle sensitive customer information. Website security is often overlooked but is a crucial aspect of running a successful online presence.

Professional websites implement robust security measures to protect your website from cyber threats, such as malware, hacking attempts, and data breaches.. These features not only protect businesses and their customers but also improve website credibility and user satisfaction.


Integration Capabilities and Advanced Features

If your local business plans to sell products or services online, a professional website can seamlessly integrate e-commerce functionality, payment gateways, and secure checkout processes. DIY builders may offer basic e-commerce features, but they often lack the advanced customisation options and integrations required for a seamless online shopping experience.

These integrations streamline business operations and improve the overall customer experience. For example, businesses can integrate their website with a customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage customer interactions and track sales leads. These advanced features are not typically available on DIY website builders and can give businesses a competitive advantage.

Moreover, professional web developers can implement custom features or third-party tools specific to your business needs, such as appointment scheduling, online booking systems, or email marketing. These advanced features can help streamline your operations and provide a better overall experience for your customers.

In conclusion, while DIY website builders may seem like an attractive option for local businesses, they often lack the technical expertise and advanced features necessary for long-term success. Professional websites offer SEO tools, security features, and integration capabilities that can help businesses stand out in a crowded online market.

I hope you are enjoying this post “DIY Website vs Professional” so far, lets continue…

DIY Website vs Professional: Investing in a professional website is an investment in your business's future success.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Professional websites provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the website remains secure, up-to-date, and functional. This support is crucial for local businesses that rely on their websites to attract and retain customers.

Regular Updates

Websites require regular updates to maintain their functionality and security. Professional web developers provide regular updates to ensure that the website’s software, plugins, and themes are up-to-date. This helps to prevent security breaches and ensures that the website remains functional.

Regular maintenance and updates are essential to keep your website running smoothly and ensure compatibility with the latest technologies and browser versions. DIY builders and free hosting plans may lack these crucial security and maintenance features, leaving your website vulnerable and potentially causing downtime or functionality issues.

Technical Assistance

Local businesses may encounter technical issues with their website, such as broken links or error messages. Professional web developers provide technical assistance to help resolve these issues quickly and efficiently. This ensures that the website remains accessible to customers and does not negatively impact the business’s reputation.

In summary, ongoing support and maintenance provided by professional web developers is essential for local businesses that rely on their websites to attract and retain customers. Regular updates and technical assistance ensure that the website remains secure, up-to-date, and functional, which is crucial for the success of any local business.

Conversion Optimisation Strategies

Local businesses need to optimise their websites for conversions in order to generate leads and sales. Professional websites offer more conversion optimisation strategies than DIY websites. Here are some key strategies that can help local businesses convert website visitors into customers.

Call-to-Action Placement

One of the most important conversion optimisation strategies is to place clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout the website. CTAs should be placed in prominent locations, such as the header, footer, and sidebar. They should also be placed strategically within the content of the website, such as after a product description or at the end of a blog post.


CTAs should be clear and concise, using action-oriented language that encourages visitors to take action. For example, “Sign up now” or “Get a free consultation” are effective CTAs that clearly communicate the desired action.

User Engagement Techniques

Engaging website visitors is another important conversion optimisation strategy. Professional websites offer a variety of techniques to engage visitors, such as interactive elements, videos, and quizzes. These techniques can help keep visitors on the website longer and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Interactive elements, such as sliders and carousels, can showcase products or services in an engaging way. Videos can provide more information about products or services, as well as demonstrate their benefits. Quizzes can help visitors identify their needs and recommend the best products or services.

Overall, local businesses can benefit from professional websites that offer more conversion optimisation strategies. By optimising their websites for conversions, they can generate more leads and sales, ultimately leading to business growth and success.

DIY Website vs Professional: Your website is your virtual handshake with the world. Make sure it's a firm and confident grip.

Cost-Benefit Analysis DIY Website vs Professional

When considering whether to invest in a professional website for their business, many local business owners worry about the upfront cost. However, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits of a professional website. A well-designed website can continue to attract new customers and generate leads for years to come, making it a worthwhile investment.

In addition to attracting new customers, a professional website can also help to establish a business’s credibility and reputation. Customers are more likely to trust and do business with a company that has a professional online presence.

ROI Considerations

Another important factor to consider when deciding whether to invest in a professional website is the potential return on investment (ROI). 

While a professional website may require a higher upfront investment compared to DIY builders or free hosting plans, the long-term benefits and potential return on investment (ROI) make it a worthwhile investment for local businesses and can actually save a business money in the long run by reducing marketing and advertising costs and increasing sales.

A professional website can also help to improve a business’s search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find them online. This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic, more leads, and ultimately more sales.

Overall, when considering the cost-benefit analysis of professional website services, it’s important to weigh the upfront cost against the long-term benefits and potential ROI. While the initial investment may seem high, the long-term benefits and potential for increased sales and revenue make it a worthwhile investment for many local businesses.

Understanding the Competitive Edge

When it comes to building a website for a local business, there are two options: DIY or hiring a professional – DIY Website vs Professional – While DIY may seem like a more cost-effective solution, it often falls short in terms of delivering the competitive edge that a professional website can provide.

Market Positioning

One of the primary advantages of a professional website is the ability to position a business in the market effectively. Professional web designers have the expertise to create a website that not only looks great but also aligns with the business’s brand and values. This can help a business stand out in a crowded market and attract the right customers.

In contrast, DIY websites often lack the necessary design skills and may end up looking generic or outdated. This can make it difficult for a business to differentiate itself from its competitors and attract the right customers.

Customer Perception

Another advantage of a professional website is the impact it can have on customer perception. A well-designed website can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. It can also make it easier for customers to find the information they need and take action, such as making a purchase or booking an appointment.

DIY websites, on the other hand, may lack the necessary features and functionality to provide a seamless user experience. This can lead to frustration for customers and ultimately drive them away from the business.

In summary, while DIY websites may seem like a cost-effective solution for local businesses, they often fall short in terms of delivering the competitive edge that a professional website can provide. By investing in a professional website, businesses can position themselves effectively in the market and build trust and credibility with their local customers.

DIY Website vs Professional: In today's digital world, your website isn't just a virtual storefront – it's the backbone of your local business's credibility

Avoiding Free Website Hosting Plans

While free website hosting plans may seem appealing due to their low upfront cost, or should i say no upfront cost, they often come with significant limitations and drawbacks that can ultimately hurt your online presence and credibility as a local business.  Aside of what we have spoken about in this post already, there are some other limitations you may not have realised.

Here are a few reasons why you should steer clear of free hosting plans:

1. Limited Resources and Performance: Free hosting plans typically offer minimal resources in terms of bandwidth, storage, and server performance. This can lead to slow website loading times, frequent downtime, and a poor user experience for your visitors, which can negatively impact your search engine rankings and potential customer conversions.

2. Lack of Professional Features: Free hosting plans usually lack advanced features and tools that are essential for running a professional website. This includes features like email hosting, security protocols, backups, and integrations with popular platforms or services.

3. Branding and Credibility: Many free hosting providers require you to use their subdomain (e.g., or display advertisements on your website. This can diminish your brand’s credibility and professionalism, potentially deterring potential customers from engaging with your business.

4. Limited Support and Reliability: Free hosting providers often offer minimal or no technical support, leaving you to troubleshoot and resolve issues on your own. Additionally, free hosts are more likely to experience frequent downtimes and service interruptions, which can significantly impact your website’s availability and reliability.

5. Lack of Control and Ownership: With free hosting plans, you have limited control over your website’s settings, configurations, and data. In some cases, the hosting provider may even reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account without notice, putting your online presence at risk.

By investing in a reliable paid hosting plan from a reputable provider, you ensure that your website has the necessary resources, features, support, and control to provide a seamless and professional experience for your visitors. This can ultimately lead to increased credibility, better user engagement, and potentially more business opportunities for your local company.

DIY Website vs Professional Pros and Cons:

DIY Website Pros:

– Low or no upfront cost
– Easy to use drag-and-drop interface
– No coding knowledge required
– Plenty of pre-designed templates

DIY Website Cons:

– Limited customisation and design options
– Generic look and feel, may lack professional branding
– Potential lack of mobile responsiveness
– Limited features and functionality
– Poor search engine optimisation (SEO)
– Restricted scalability as your business grows
– No dedicated support or maintenance
– Limited bandwidth, storage, and server performance
– Lack of email hosting, security protocols and backups
Lack of Control and ownership
– Third-party branding/advertising on free plans
– Can lack credibility and trustworthiness

Professional Website Pros:

– Custom design aligned with your brand identity
– Professionally crafted user experience (UX)
– Mobile responsiveness and optimised for all devices
– Advanced functionality and feature integration
– Optimised for search engines (SEO)
– Scalable and can grow with your business needs
– Secure hosting and regular maintenance
– Professional credibility and trustworthiness
– Dedicated support and expertise
– Ownership and control over website content/data
– Plenty of bandwidth, storage, and server performance
– Professional Email address and hosting
– Robust security protocols and backups

– No third-party branding/advertising
– E-commerce capabilities and payment integration

Professional Website Cons:

– Higher upfront cost
– Longer development timeline
– Reliance on developer/agency for updates
– Ongoing maintenance/hosting fees

While DIY builders offer ease and affordability upfront, they severely lack the professional polish, scalability, and advanced capabilities businesses need for long-term online success. A professional website provides the strong foundation, credibility, and flexibility to effectively represent your brand and drive growth.

DIY Website vs Professional: A DIY website is like trying to build your own house without an architect – it may stand, but it won't be a masterpiece that impresses.

Potential Effects of Having a “Powered By” Logo on Your Website

Prominently displaying a “powered by” logo or the hosting provider’s branding on your website can have detrimental effects on your local business’s online presence and credibility.

These logos often serve as advertisements for the hosting company, distracting visitors from your core brand and services. This lack of customisation and control over the website’s appearance can come across as unprofessional and diminish the level of trust and confidence potential customers may have in your business.

Additionally, such branding can create confusion, making it appear as though your company is associated with or endorsed by the hosting provider, which may not be the case.

For local businesses aiming to establish a strong, recognisable brand identity, having a third-party company’s logo prominently featured on their website can undermine their marketing efforts and create a disjointed user experience.

By opting for a paid hosting plan, businesses can enjoy a more professional and customisable online presence, free from distracting advertisements or branding, allowing them to fully showcase their unique identity and services to their target audience.

DIY Website vs Professional: 5 Revealing Stats That You Need to Know

1. In just 50 milliseconds (equivalent to 0.05 seconds), users make snap judgments about your website, influencing their decision to stay or leave based on their initial impression.

For local business websites, this underscores the critical importance of making a strong first impression through swift-loading, visually appealing, and user-friendly designs to retain visitors and potentially convert them into customers.

2. 57% of internet users indicate they wouldn’t endorse a business with a poorly optimised mobile website.

For local business websites, this highlights the necessity of ensuring mobile-friendly designs to maintain credibility and potentially secure recommendations from users, ultimately impacting reputation and customer acquisition.

3. 38% of individuals will disengage from a website if they find its content or layout unappealing.

For local business websites, this underscores the significance of investing in visually appealing and well-organised content to retain visitor interest and encourage continued engagement, potentially leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty.

4. Following a negative experience, 88% of online consumers are unlikely to revisit a website.

For local business websites, this emphasises the critical importance of providing a seamless and satisfying user experience to encourage repeat visits and foster customer loyalty, ultimately influencing business growth and success.

5. 75% of consumers acknowledge assessing a company’s credibility based on its website design.

For local business websites, this implies that investing in a professional and trustworthy design is crucial for establishing credibility and gaining the trust of potential customers, ultimately impacting business reputation and success.

Source: Sweor

DIY Website vs Professional: Your website is the digital ambassador for your local business. Make sure it represents you with professionalism and class.

DIY Website vs Professional Conclusion


Local business owners, let’s be honest – in today’s digital age, your website is the virtual face of your brand. It’s often the first interaction potential customers have with your business, long before they step foot in your physical location or contact you about your services. And, in a world where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, you can’t afford for that online first impression to be anything less than stellar.

Think about it – would you want your brick-and-mortar storefront to look shabby, outdated, or difficult to navigate? Of course not! You’d invest the time and resources to make sure it’s an inviting, professional space that accurately represents your products or services. Well, the same philosophy applies to your website.

By now, having read this DIY Website vs Professional post, you understand the significant limitations of attempting a DIY website or relying on free hosting platforms. Sure, they may seem cost-effective initially, but as we’ve explored, those short-term savings often come at the expense of vital elements like professional branding, mobile responsiveness, search engine optimisation, scalability, security, and credibility.

Investing in a custom, professionally designed and developed website is an investment in the future success of your local business. It’s about establishing a powerful digital presence that resonates with your target audience, instills trust and confidence in your brand, and positions you as a leader in your industry – not just another generic, forgettable website.

With a professional web design agency like CW Marketing as your partner, we’ll work closely with you to understand your unique business goals, translate your brand’s identity into a visually stunning and user-friendly online experience, and implement advanced features and functionalities to streamline operations and drive growth.

Don’t let a subpar website hinder your local business’s potential. A professional online presence tailored to your needs is an invaluable asset that will continue paying dividends in the form of increased visibility, credibility, and revenue for years to come.

The choice is clear: invest in a professional website and hosting solution today, or risk being left behind by competitors who recognise the power of a polished digital storefront. Your brand’s reputation, your business and future success depend on making the right decision.

Reach out to CW Marketing today, and let’s get started on elevating your local business’s online game. It’s time to make a lasting impression that attracts, engages, and converts your ideal customers, one compelling web experience at a time. Book your FREE Consultation today!

Your Local Business Solution


At CW Marketing we specialise in services specifically for local businesses, our comprehensive professional website design and hosting solutions are tailored to give local businesses a powerful online edge. When you partner with us, you’ll benefit from:

  1. Unlimited bandwidth and storage to handle growing traffic
  2. Maintenance done for you, all plugins, themes, and WordPress core updates
  3. Daily website backups for peace of mind
  4. Green hosting for an eco-friendly digital footprint
  5. Robust security with virus/malware scanning and uptime monitoring
  6. Complete scalability to grow your site as your business expands, at no extra charge
  7. Custom WordPress design for an optimised, user-friendly experience
  8. Inclusion of all essential business information like About, Services, Contact, testimonials etc.
  9. Full search engine optimisation (SEO) with optimised metadata, titles, descriptions, keywords, and schema markup
  10. Flexible solutions suitable for any budget – one-page websites to multi-page online powerhouses
  11. A company committed to creating a web presence that accurately reflects your brand

Don’t settle for generic templates or limited functionality. Our professional design and hosting services provide the customisation, credibility, and advanced capabilities your local business needs to thrive in today’s digital world.

>>> More Information on Our Local Business Web Design Services

>>> Book a FREE Consultation and Lets Chat!

website design secrets for the local business

If you enjoyed this post about DIY Website vs Professional. You may enjoy our FREE guide “Web Design Secrets For The Local Business”

We understand that some local business owners may still prefer to take the DIY approach when it comes to creating a website. While we firmly believe in the immense value of investing in professional web design and hosting services, we also want to support those who choose to navigate the website-building process themselves.

That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive ebook titled “Web Design Secrets for the Local Business” – a valuable resource packed with actionable tips, strategies, and best practices tailored specifically for local businesses looking to establish a compelling online presence. From mastering the principles of local SEO and crafting engaging content to building trust through a standout ‘About Us’ page and generating leads effectively, our guide covers all the essentials you need to create a website that resonates with your target audience and drives tangible results.

Whether you’re a small business just starting out or an established local company aiming to expand your digital footprint, this ebook is your go-to companion for navigating the complexities of web design and online marketing. While we still recommend considering professional services for a truly polished and high-performing website, this free resource will empower you with the knowledge and insights to make informed decisions and maximize your online impact, even with a DIY approach.

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